Enlightening the Soul Painting Process

I am so tickled as I have just completed an intuitive soul painting for a gifted angel reader named Meggin. Meggin’s mother Linda died over 2 years ago and through Meggins grieving process she requested to have a soul painting done of her mother. I worked with a picture of her mom as a 7 year old, as her mother was very playful and childlike. I was able to immediately connect with the strong bond of love and celebration between Meggin and her mother. Images began forming and there was a strong feeling that the painting would create an open door for Meggin to work with her mom on a more energetic and intimate level on her journey. The energies beautifully harmonized with Meggin and her mom and Meggins true gifts of healing and “inner sight” came forth in the painting. The end result is always a wonderful surprise as to how the loved ones spirit shows up to play and dance in the work. I am filled with gratitude and humility as Meggin has told me that she could feel her mom’s presence and her own in a piece that will grace her sacred space at home and be a loving reminder of her gentle spirit guiding her way. No doubt about it…..I love serving spirit in this way!

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