Back from Mexico and so Ready for 2010! Bring it on!


As I write this, I am truly in awe and amazed that so much has been accomplished this year. I am grateful to have so many dear ones to support me on this continuing journey.
I have now officially launched the memorial icons and made my work available in print form. Hallelujia!
The painting that I have posted called “Angelus Harvest” is going to be on the cover of Natural Awakenings magazine for January. She came in a vision as an angel of prosperity and abundance – it is time for all of us to reap the harvest of our labors!
My intention this year is to bring the paintings to a wider audience and continue to create from this divine place of energy and healing. You can call me if you see something you can’t live without or email me at
The co-op continues to prosper and grow. It is almost a year old and going stronger than ever. I feel blessed to be part of a team of very talented practitioners, artists and soulful people. We continue to expand and morph into our mission to make a difference in our community and in each others lives. I encourage you to click on our link and meet some of the members.
Many blessings to all of you and to all a good day….just had to say that! So in the spirit of the season I wish you a warm cozy place to light and good food and friendship.
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