A vision held for 12 years has come true!!! Viva Andalucia!


In the luminous landscape of the outer journey!

In the luminous landscape of the outer journey!   The hills of Andalusia!

Mystical visions… they hold a spark….undeniably special and profound.  They hold an immeasurable tendency to reorganize your whole way of being in the world.  This wordless vision was the energy of “Andalucía”.

Today I stand as living proof that what you hold in creative awareness can manifest delightfully on this plane of planetary juiciness.  I have just come back from a months stay in Europe….visiting Switzerland, France and Spain….and yes “Andalucía”.   I have received the greatest of gifts in knowing and surrendering to the fact that language does serve its purpose but the heart breaks through all barriers among people and cultures.  As I do not possess the languages of French, Swiss or Spain in my repertoire,  I found this out very quickly.  My way was continuously studded with angels as bright jewels in a foreign landscape to lead me to my next destination through the regions of Francais and Espana.   I am eternally grateful for how the Divine manifests such perfect balance and freedom as I navigated the narrow streets of southern France, the metros of Paris (egads!!) and the generosity of the locals in the mosques and churches and streets of Spain! 

When you sink your teeth into a journey of this magnitude it is good to have both an “outer” map and quoting the advice of a cherished friend “an inner map.”  Let me explain….  in each location there was the route, the location, the how to get there.  There were many beautiful sites and sounds to enjoy.  I have taken a tram to the highest peak in France,  visited the finest museums of painting and sculpture, and heard the angleic harmonies of a Russian men’s choir in a towering cathedral of rose colored light.  While this was nourishing my senses and appreciation for unparralleled beauty what was weaving itself through my energetic blueprint was the inner map…of lifetimes remembered and spent in these mystical places.  Chartres, Montabaun, Carcassone, Toulouse.   These were places of healing, places of releasing, places of renewal.  All of these had been held in my consciousness as if coats of many colors and designs were being shed along the route on my way to the southern rolling, expansive light filled, olive laden hills of Andalucía.  I understand that it does not take one to travel to some foreign place to shed these coats but through this experience I feel that I was able to walk each step feeling more and more the anonymity of living as a member of the human race with no identification to bind and relishingthe inner journey the freedom of complete aliveness and sweet surrender.   I am grateful for the journey and all the beautiful people who crossed my path on the way.

More is to be unveiled…of that I am sure……right now I am enjoying the “joie de vie” and the visions and promise of new paintings!

Viva Andalucía!!




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